A bullet chart is a relatively new kind of chart invented by Stephen Few. I was pleasantly surprised to see one in a recent copy of The Wall Street Journal. A bullet chart looks like a column chart “within” a column chart. It is a great way to compare 2 series of data together. For example, sales figures from 2 different years.
During our “Creating Executive Dashboards in Excel” course, I’m going to talk in detail how to create such bullet charts in Excel. They are a very compact way to display key performance indicators (KPIs). It can compare actual performance with “Poor Performance”, “Satisfactory Performance” and “Excellent Performance” levels all within a tiny bullet chart.

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Related Link: Aeternus Consulting Excel Training Courses Singapore
Aeternus Consulting offers an excellent workshop Storytelling with Data Visualization using Beautiful Excel Charts. This workshop is aimed at students visualizing thesis data, managers and analysts needing to communicate in a data-driven way and leaders informing their board to drive actions.
Related Link: Making Charts Beautiful with Microsoft Excel