Great Art Pixelated with Excel VBA

You can create beautiful pixelated artworks with this Excel VBA application! There are creative ways to use it. Create unique avatars for Zoom meetings or WhatsApp!
How to use Windows API in VBA (2021 edit)

The Windows Application Programming Interface (Windows API) is a set of functions from the Microsoft Windows operating system that are available to Windows programmers.
Fastest Search Excel VBA Codes

In this article I set myself a challenge to write the fastest VBA codes to locate a cell in a range of 5 column by 1048576 rows (5.2 millon cells) in a worksheet. They are written to be reusable in your own Excel VBA projects.
Best Excel file format for Excel VBA Programming

Back in the days of Excel 2003, saving a workbook file is simple. You only save in .XLS file format.
Best Milliseconds Timer in VBA Tutorial

I will show the complete VBA codes that you can simply copy and use, I will describe the research process involved to create millisecond timers in VBA using Windows APIs so that you can deepen your understanding of using Windows APIs with VBA coding.