Excel Line Charts with Elegant Dates

I came across this stock chart in the Kuala Lumpur’s edition of the Business Times while I was in Malaysia. The chart has an elegant treatment of dates. I have seen this sort of designs in many magazines and wanted an afternoon challenge to do this in Excel.
BP Oil Spill shown in a Microsoft Excel Chart

This Microsoft Excel line chart illustrates some key events 2 months after the explosion and BP’s stock price using a common Date horizontal axis.
Lollipop approach to clarify Microsoft Excel line charts

Traditional Microsoft Excel line charts have a common problem. It is hard to visually associate the data points with the horizontal axis.
Singapore population infographic in Microsoft Excel

This is an info-graphic I created in Microsoft Excel. It shows the population composition of Singapore in 2009.
Ugly Real Economic Growth Chart from Singapore Statistics-Part 2

The only way to succeed is to be remarkable, to be talked about.
A gallery of Beautiful Charts for Microsoft Excel part 5

This is part 5 of my on-running gallery of beautiful chart designs which can be re-created in Microsoft Excel.
Ugly Real Economic Growth Chart from Singapore Statistics.

The folks from SingStats seriously need to improve their charts. I could hardly make any sense out of these charts. They seem to be just thrown together with out any theme or purpose.
PowerUp Workshop: Making Beautiful Excel Charts

For many Excel users, there is a need to produce clear, concise and even attractive charts in Excel without using expensive software.
A gallery of Beautiful Charts for Excel part 4

have scoured the web and magazines for beautiful charts designs that we can use in our Excel reports. This is part 4 of a gallery I am creating.
A gallery of Beautiful Charts for Excel part 3

have scoured the web and magazines for beautiful charts designs that we can use in our Excel reports. This is part 3 of a gallery I am creating.