Beautiful Excel Charts: All 11 Star Wars Box Office Revenue Ranked

This is a Microsoft Excel chart showing All 11 Star Wars Box Office Revenue Ranked.
Beautiful Excel Charts: chart with emojis

This is a very simple way to create a beautiful chart in Microsoft Excel to visually display numbers with emojis and emoticons!
Heat wave in Tokyo, Beautiful Excel Charts.

A deadly heat wave in Tokyo, producing record high temperatures in Tokyo in July 2018.
Google officially announces 10 billion app downloads in Excel

As an Android fan, I am happy to learn that the Android Market has surpassed 10 billion downloads. I found a pretty looking 3D column chart.
Do it in Excel: Ring charts are better Pie charts

Pie charts are a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion. I remembered learning them when I was in primary school. Apparently it was invented by this person called William Playfair in 1801.
Your own American Deficit/Debt Chart in Microsoft Excel

In the United States Congress there are currently a number of disagreements between Democrats and Republicans regarding the United States debt.
Singapore General Election Results 2011 Microsoft Excel Chart-Part2

This is an alternative interpretation of my previous Excel chart on the 2011 Singapore General Election results by James C Lee.
Singapore General Election Results 2011 in an Excel Chart

This is an Excel chart to summarise the latest election results of Singapore. The People’s Action Party has won almost every contested area in Singapore.
Excel Chart of Nuclear Radiation Levels near Fukushima

On Friday 11 March 2011, a 9.0-magnitude undersea earthquake off the coast of Japan caused crippling damage to nuclear reactors at the Fukushima I and II Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma.
Making Beautiful Excel Charts is Simple

Have you ever told yourself that creating great looking Excel charts is hard? Well it’s not. You only need to understand the only reason we create charts is to aid comprehension of a trend.