A crappy chart from the Straits Times. GIC looking to Asia, emerging markets

A crappy chart from the Straits Times. GIC looking to Asia, emerging markets
A New York Times Chart in Excel

I was surfing the web and came across this chart from the New York Times. My attention was totally captivated by this intricate chart.
Ministry of Manpower Unemployment Dashboard in Excel

The effect of a well designed dashboard is you are able to survey more data in a glance, and make quicker assessments for faster decisions. Here is a Singapore unemployment dashboard.
Magazine quality charts in Excel 2003

I promise that after attending our Excel Charting course, your Excel charting skills will definitely go up by several notches
Excel 2010. A quick review

Just like driving a new car, I will report the new facelifts Microsoft has done to this spreadsheet program!
Excel 2010. A quick look

Excel 2010 is coming in a few months and I am really excited by the new features. I am waiting anxiously for it to be GA.
Top 4 mistakes of Excel Charts

An Excel chart can make complex relationships much clearer than words and numbers can. But more often than not, most of us stumble to achieve this.
Where Microsoft Excel Fails

Your company may have spent thousands of dollars on a fancy financial application but nothing beats the comfort and familiarity of a spreadsheet.
Drive your business with a dashboard in Excel

Why not create dashboards in Microsoft Excel? Microsoft Excel is rich in database features and its easy to create charts in worksheets.
How to design a Sales Dashboard in Microsoft Excel

Sales activity is the life blood for all businesses. People who are responsible for sales must have their fingers on this vital pulse at all times. Traditionally, managers read sales reports in tables of numbers.