PowerUp Workshop: Making Beautiful Excel Charts

For many Excel users, there is a need to produce clear, concise and even attractive charts in Excel without using expensive software.

What if you could turn a drab Excel chart:

into something like these right in Microsoft Excel?

Making Beautiful Excel Charts training course singapore
Create business infographics using Excel charts.
Making Beautiful Excel Charts training course singapore
Create business infographics using Excel charts.
Making Beautiful Excel Charts training course singapore
Depict two quantities like Budget vs Expense.
Making Beautiful Excel Charts training course singapore
Making Beautiful Excel Charts training course singapore
Depict current performance trends & results in an Excel chart.
Beautiful Charts with Microsoft Excel
Embed news stories & pictures to create dramatic Excel charts.
beautiful excel chart example.
Beautiful Charts with Excel. Another example.

For many Excel users, there is a need to produce clear, concise and even attractive charts in Excel without using expensive software. What is lacking are the clear techniques to do so. Compelled by this need, Aeternus Consulting has designed a workshop to show participants how to achieve this objective.

The Workshop Outline:

About Aeternus Consulting

Related Link: Aeternus Consulting Excel Training Courses Singapore

Aeternus Consulting offers an excellent workshop Storytelling with Data Visualization using Beautiful Excel Charts. This workshop is aimed at students visualizing thesis data, managers and analysts needing to communicate in a data-driven way and leaders informing their board to drive actions.

Related Link: Making Charts Beautiful with Microsoft Excel

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Advanced Excel Training Courses Classes Singapore: making beautiful charts

One Response

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