Effective Microsoft Office Training for Adults

Are you trying to organize an effective Microsoft Office training for adults in your company? Researchers have learned a great deal about how students learn on their own and in the classroom, and much of this research can be applied to educational settings.
Effective Microsoft Office Training for Adults

Are you trying to organize an effective Microsoft Office training for adults in your company? Researchers have learned a great deal about how students learn on their own and in the classroom, and much of this research can be applied to educational settings.

Malcolm Knowles was a widely known and influential professor of adult education. He said that classroom lecture formats will not work with adults because adults learn in a different way from kids.

Effective Microsoft Office Training for Adults
Malcolm Knowles

Malcom Knowles, an influential professor of adult education, advocated these 4 points for effective adult learning:
1. Adults need to be involved in the planning of their instruction.
Get your people involved in the training outlines. Ask what problems they are facing and what they like to learn.

2. Experience (including mistakes) provides the basis for learning activities.
Think beyond classroom formats. Would a hands-on workshop and free-styled discussions on relevant business examples be more effective?

3. Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance to their job or personal life.
Involve the trainer early to create relevant learning topics.

4. Adult learning is problem-centered rather than content-oriented.
Rather than learning 10 topics that does not apply to your work, just focus on a few that really matters to you and solves practical problems.

The next time you are planning for an effective Microsoft Office training for adults, take a leaf from Malcom. Why settle for a 3-day packaged class crammed with 20 topics and a computer exam to serve your training goals? Be bold. Go raise your expectations and see which training centers can match them!

Consider choosing from our list of effective Microsoft Office training courses such as Excel Training Courses and PowerPoint Training Courses.

Useful resources:
Free Microsoft Office Online apps. All you need is a desktop browser. Click here>>.

About Aeternus Consulting

Aeternus Consulting is a Microsoft Office consultancy and & digital creative agency. We specialise in Microsoft Office training, VBA application development, Business modeling in Excel, infographic designs, data visualizations and web UX UI.

Related Link: Aeternus Consulting Singapore

2 Responses

  1. Hi, I attended your excel courses recently and am here to give my feedback. I think that overall it was usedful but I would have preferred a hands on workshop rather thatn a hands off seminar as i would feel more engaged. There are times where the steps a bit too confusing and I can’t catch them as I am not practising it so I will just switch off for a while.

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