Basic Excel VBA Programming Course for Beginners
Course Title: Basic Excel VBA Programming for Beginners
Designed for non VBA practitioners to solve real business problems with VBA programming & Excel macros. We promise to teach VBA codes that you can use.
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What is VBA?
Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that you can use to manipulate, analyze, and present data. Built within Excel is a computer programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). The idea is by writing a VBA computer program, you can instruct Microsoft Excel to perform complex, repetitive and even mundane tasks on your behalf. Used properly on suitable problems, a VBA program working within Excel can have wide ranging automation benefits that can increase a department’s productivity. As machine automation begins to take over many human tasks, learning how to code has been said to be an attractive employability skill for the future.
Course Objective for Basic VBA Course
Designed for non VBA computer programmers. This is a short & easy-to-follow workshop to develop a practical knowledge of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) with Microsoft Excel. The participant will learn how to build VBA programs from scratch that can automate Microsoft Excel to perform work. Throughout the course of the workshop, our facilitator incorporates VBA codes which address real life business problems.
What Problems this Course solves
Traditional Excel VBA courses overwhelms the non-practitioner with too many programming concepts. Consequently, the learner grasps the theory but not the practical experience to produce VBA codes for solving basic spreadsheet problems.
We designed this course to impart VBA programming skills for practical situations. Our teaching materials are curated from years of real VBA consulting work for clients. You will be trained to create mini VBA projects that can be demonstrated to prospective employers.
Gentle Learning Course Structure
Basic VBA Course Outline
This workshop aims to train anyone with no programming experience to be proficient with the VBA programming language within Excel. By solving various challenging problems and doing guided projects, the participant will learn to perform a wide variety of automation tasks to improve Excel productivity and embark on interesting office automation projects.
* Using the Visual Basic Editor
* The VBA programming workflow from code to execution
* Useful tips and tricks from real world situations
* VBA coding from scratch
* Developing with Excel Macros
* Processing massive records & Excel rows with VBA programming
* Create an automated report application with VBA
* Create an automated stock trading program with VBA
Who Should Attend This Course
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Basic Excel VBA Course Lesson 1
Write your first piece of VBA code!
Start the Visual Basic Editor in Excel
- Start up Microsoft Excel.
- Press ALT+F11 key to start the Visual Basic Editor coding environment.
- A new windowed application will appear like below. This is where you will write your first VBA code.
Before you write VBA code, insert a new "Module"
- On Visual Basic Editor menu bar, click “Insert” then “Module“. You should see a new white surface to type your VBA code appearing on your right.
Write some VBA codes in a Module
Execute it and see how it works!
Make sure your typing cursor is stays inside the Excel VBA code you have just typed. Press “F5” on your keyboard and Microsoft Excel will run the VBA code!
Basic Excel VBA Learning Resources
Best Milliseconds Timer in VBA Tutorial
I will show the complete VBA codes that you can simply copy and use, I will describe the research process involved to create millisecond timers in VBA using Windows APIs so that you can deepen your understanding of using Windows APIs with VBA coding.
Corporate Clients
We work with businesses and individuals
We organise bespoke corporate workshops
Trainers with decades of real-world consulting experience
About Aeternus Consulting
Aeternus Consulting is the premier training centre in Singapore for Excel Courses – Basic Excel, Advanced Excel and Excel VBA Macro courses. For more Microsoft Excel training courses, please visit our Excel training page.
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