Singapore General Election Results 2011 in an Excel Chart

This is an Excel chart to summarise the latest election results of Singapore. The People’s Action Party has won almost every contested area in Singapore.
Excel Chart of Nuclear Radiation Levels near Fukushima

On Friday 11 March 2011, a 9.0-magnitude undersea earthquake off the coast of Japan caused crippling damage to nuclear reactors at the Fukushima I and II Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma.
Charts in FundSuperMart suck!

FundSuperMart is a Singapore produced magazine covering investment insights and trends on mutual funds. I picked up a copy at a 7-11 store and thumbed it through. I liked the articles. They appear thoughtfully written and are supported by charts.
Create Beautiful Slides like Steve Jobs (in PowerPoint!)

Steve Jobs would never be caught with an ugly slide during a MacWorld Expo! His presentation slides, like all Apple products. were always beautifully simple.
Making Beautiful Excel Charts is Simple

Have you ever told yourself that creating great looking Excel charts is hard? Well it’s not. You only need to understand the only reason we create charts is to aid comprehension of a trend.
Excel Line Charts with Elegant Dates

I came across this stock chart in the Kuala Lumpur’s edition of the Business Times while I was in Malaysia. The chart has an elegant treatment of dates. I have seen this sort of designs in many magazines and wanted an afternoon challenge to do this in Excel.
BP Oil Spill shown in a Microsoft Excel Chart

This Microsoft Excel line chart illustrates some key events 2 months after the explosion and BP’s stock price using a common Date horizontal axis.
Lollipop approach to clarify Microsoft Excel line charts

Traditional Microsoft Excel line charts have a common problem. It is hard to visually associate the data points with the horizontal axis.
Singapore population infographic in Microsoft Excel

This is an info-graphic I created in Microsoft Excel. It shows the population composition of Singapore in 2009.
Why IT folks hate Microsoft Excel

Yes they do. Which is why you hardly get any good support when you have a problem with it. Try opening a support ticket when you hit a snag with Excel. It won’t see the light of day.